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Blower Processes

The main two processes that roots-type blowers are used on are to convey product in an enclosed system and to aerate.

Blowers are often found on waste water treatment sites and on production sites where granular or powdered product needs to be moved from one location to another.

They can also be mounted to vehicles to move product or as a suction mechanism in the case of drain cleaners etc.

Below are some examples of industries in which ROOTS-type air blowers are used.

Aggregates, used to convey materials

Animal Feed manufacture, used to convey ingredients including grains and seeds

Alternative fuel production and powerplants, conveying grainular fuel such as bio pellets

Used to convey fly-ash

Bread and biscuit bakeries, used to convey ingredients

Breweries and beverage production, used to convey grains and ingredients

Manufacture of cement and plaster, used to convey granular and powdered materials

Used to create suction in centralised vacuum plants

Conveying grains and cereals

Used in van-mounted vacuum cleaners, creating suction to clean carpets

Vehicle mounted suction systems used to unblock drains and light excavation

Used in fish farms to aerate tanks and disperse food

Food and ingredient productions, used to convey ingredients

Used to convey powdered inks and pigments

Used to convey pharmaceutical ingredients

Conveying pelletised plastics and supplying and in blown plastic film production

Used to convey pelletised plastics in recycled plastic manufacturing and plastic extrusion

Supplying primary air to furnaces

Conveying materials to manufacture synthetic wood and composite woods

conveying chipped wood and sawdust

Aeration on waste water a effluent water treatment plants

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